Wenn Fachwissen und Compliance zusammenkommen
Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung haben wir zahlreichen mittelständischen Unternehmen und großen multinationalen Konzernen geholfen, ihre Effizienz und Compliance zu verbessern. Unser Ziel ist es, das Spesenmanagement einfacher und effektiver zu gestalten.
Im Kern sind wir auf das Spesenmanagement spezialisiert. Das ist unsere Leidenschaft, und wir arbeiten mit den besten Anbietern der Branche zusammen, um über unser offenes Ökosystem erstklassige Lösungen bereitzustellen.
Alle unsere Lösungen entsprechen den neuesten gesetzlichen Vorschriften und stellen die Datensicherheit in den Vordergrund. Unser engagiertes Compliance-Team stellt sicher, dass wir die Zertifizierungen nach ISO 27001:2013, ISAE 3402 Typ II und PCI DSS aufrechterhalten. Darüber hinaus erfüllen wir die GDPR und bieten unseren Kunden damit ein sicheres Gefühl.

Lokale Unterstützung mit einem Lächeln
Unsere Standorte befinden sich in den Niederlanden, Belgien, Deutschland, Schweden, Rumänien und Portugal. Unser vielfältiges Team umfasst Mitarbeiter aus 22 verschiedenen Ländern, und 43 % unserer Belegschaft sind Frauen. Wir sind stolz auf unsere internationale Gruppe, die unterschiedliche Hintergründe und Perspektiven schätzt und würdigt.

How we make expenses easy?

Expense automation
Little more in-depth information what this topic will cover...

Expense management
Little more in-depth information what this topic will cover...

Insights & compliance
Little more in-depth information what this topic will cover...
And we've got the knowledge and capabilities to match your scale
Working and growing together
We care about our colleagues, customers, and the planet.
Our colleagues' well-being matters to us and enables them to deliver strong products and services. We also believe that our customers' experience should be carefree, which is why we are adaptive. And last but not least, Mobilexpense is a socially and environmentally responsible group. We support human rights and do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.

Working and growing together
About our colleagues
We want our colleagues to love working with us; their well-being matters and enables them to deliver strong products and services.
About our customers
Their experience should be carefree, always, which is why we are adaptive; going above and beyond to create lasting relationships built on experience and mutual trust.
About the planet
Mobilexpense is a socially and environmentally responsible group. We support human rights and do our part to reduce our footprint, both directly and through our partners and suppliers.
Our colleagues receive opportunities to refine their skills and deepen their expertise. They are free to learn, take risks and make mistakes, because it is all inherent to becoming better at what they do.
We support our customers in meeting their goals by delivering solutions that help them obtain strategic insights and achieve cost and process improvements.
We are committed to delivering on our promises to both colleagues and customers - honesty and transparency are key. Going the extra mile allows us to focus, together, on finding solutions that work.
Our customers rely on us to achieve their strategic objectives. They trust us to deliver and we trust our team to always have our company and customers' best interests at heart.
Inclusiveness and diversity are deeply ingrained in our DNA, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, or orientation. With customers around the globe and 20+ nationalities in our organisation, we strive to learn from cultural differences.
We respect and appreciate our customers and their trust in us. We consider and try to understand their points of view, while leveraging our expertise to ensure expectations are realistic and achievable.
United in our mission to make life hassle-free for our customers. Collaboration and open communication are key to improving processes and our product. We challenge ideas, not people.
Our solution can connect with any system, just as we relate to all our customers. Together, we are one team working towards bringing their vision to life.
Bereit loszulegen?
Besprechen Sie Ihr Anliegen mit einem unserer Experten
Wir lösen seit über 20 Jahren die Herausforderungen der globalen Abrechnung von Reisekosten. Unsere europäische Herkunft gewährleistet die Einhaltung der Vorschriften in allen EU-Ländern. Und unsere lokale Präsenz bedeutet, dass wir immer in Ihrer Nähe sind.